Kylies Update

Kylie Downs Barriers

Well, I can’t let Alfie steal all the spotlight on my website! It’s taken a while, but here
are the FACTs from me …
I’ve had a busy time lately – joining Sam (I’m a sessional lecturer at UWS, would you
believe), speaking with Mum at the Stronger Together conference – and my 3rd
presentation at a Disability Expo, most recently at Canberra (as you’ll have read in
Alfie’s blog.)
I have been offered a chance to apply for a Director position on Down Syndrome
Australia’s board since finishing (after 7 years) my role as the DS NSW
representative on the Down Syndrome (Australia) Advisory Network. But I’ve
decided my business is more important for me at this stage of my life.
I’m continuing in my role as a Board Member with the NSW Council on Intellectual
Disability. I also contribute via co-design workshops, and as a member of SLHD
committees and at Agency for Clinical Innovation meetings.
I really enjoy my public speaking, and I think my Lived Experience talks (which Mum
writes – but I edit!) are valuable contributions to educate people in all walks of life
about Down syndrome and the real struggles many of us with intellectual disability
endured before (and since) the NDIS (the National Disability Insurance Scheme)
came into being.
I enjoy my art, too – but in recent times there hasn’t been much time to relax and get
into it. But I’m working on that. Maybe even some merchandising …??
Mum – my carer, organiser, and wind beneath my wings – is about to turn the big
eight-oh. I’m thinking I’d now like to talk about her role throughout my life in the
hope we’ll be able to relieve her of some of the stress and strain – as happens with
many ageing parents – that her day by day care of and for me entails. Who else will
debate fortnightly reporting with Centrelink for me??
Alfie and I enjoy our ‘independent’ living – but it wouldn’t happen without my K team
of 4 wonderful support ladies. Mostly we have fun – and the contributions they make
to my life are endless. I can’t thank them enough.

Alfie visits Canberra

Alfie visits Canberra Kylie Downs Barriers

I just had the most amazing adventure with Kylie, Nanna and Lif.We set out off for Canberra Friday afternoon. I sat in my bed on the back seat next to Kylie.I don’t like tunnels, so Nanma drove us through the suburbs, and I enjoyed the wind in my fur.On the way we saw lots of […]

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